Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis offer a range of benchtop and portable hand held XRF analysers for elemental analysis.
1. LABX3500
The Oxford Instruments LAB-X3500 is a compact, reliable, affordable and easy to use XRF analyser designed to perform in a wide range of flexible environments, e.g. in the laboratory, on-site or wherever analysis is required.
Markets and applications for the LabX3500 include:
- Petroleum/Petrochem - Measure factors such as the concentration of elements in lubricating oil, sulphur in oils and fuels and the monitoring of recycled waste oil. Conforms to ASTM D4294, ISO20847, ISO8754 and IP336
- Wood treatment - Lab-X offers simple, fast and precise analysis of treated wood, for both wood preservative solutions and wood for recycling. Liquids and powders are analysed with equal ease for the measurement of Copper, Chrome and other elements
- Minerals - The analysis of industrial minerals, geological materials which are mined for their commercial value such as Bauxite, Limestone, Kaolin, etc.
- Cosmetics - Chemical analysis of cosmetics to ensure conformance to product specification and safety as well as cost-effective manufacture - eg Ti, Zirconium etc.
- Cement - XRF analysis can be used at many stages of the cement analysis process, from raw materials at the quarry, to intermediate products (clinker, gypsum, limestone) and the finished product (cement)
- Paper - Measuring Silicone on paper and release liners is required to ensure cost-effective optimisation of the manufacturing process and quality control
Features of the LAB-X3500 include:
- Little or no sample preparation
- No precise weighing or volumetric analysis
- Liquids and powders often measured ’as received’
- Custom sample holders offer rapid analysis
- Wide-range, multi-element capability
- Low limits of detection
- Automatic gain stabilisation for optimum instrument stability

- IA Apps notes
- Lab-X 3500 HiRes Image
Contact us for further information or an application note
2. X-SUPREME8000
The Oxford Instruments’ X-Supreme8000 is a highly flexible, compact, powerful energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer suitable for use in the field or in the laboratory.
Analysis can be performed on a wide range of sample types including solids, liquids, powders, pastes, films, etc., from ppm to high %, covering elements Na11 to U92 in the periodic table.
Some examples of where the X-Supreme800 is used include:
- Cement - measure Na2O, MgO Al2O3, SiO2, SO3, Cl, K2O, CaO and Fe2O3 etc.
- Wood treatment - Liquids and powders are measured with equal ease for Copper, Chrome and many others
- Minerals - Bauxite, Limestone, Kaolin, etc.
- Mining - Nickel, Lead, Zinc, etc.
- Cosmetics - Titanium, Zirconium, etc.
- Petroleum & Oil - Sulphur in Oil; Nickel, Vanadium in fuel oils, Lead in gasoline, etc.
- Education - general purpose analysis
- Agriculture/Food - Iron, Zinc in wheat, Selenium as an additive, Sulphur in fertilisers, etc.
Elemental analysis in 3 easy steps
- No weighing or volumetric measurements
- No potentially dangerous chemicals
- Non-destructive analysis
- 10 integrated autosampler positions for time saving unattended operation
- Unique design guarantees high precision, repeatable results from every position
- Tested to 1 million cycles, fully loaded – equivalent to 15 years of operation at 200 samples per day
- Simultaneous single or multi-element analysis with ’Live Updates’ results obtained 5 seconds after measurement starts, allowing rapid assessments to be made
- Results obtained using empirical calibrations for highest accuracy and traceability.
- Optional Standardless (Fundamental Parameter) Analysis where no or very few standards are available
- Rugged and reliable for 24/7 operation
At the pull of a trigger, Oxford Instruments’ hand-held X-MET7000 and X-MET7500 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysers deliver fast, highly accurate on-site sample screening and analysis.
Both analysers provide real-time data in seconds, for:
- Ore exploration
- On-site excavation control
- Mine mapping
- Process monitoring: concentrates, tailings etc.
- Environmental control
What’s more, X-MET enables precise portable GPS integration for real-time ore exploration and mine mapping.
- High performance
- Single-shot analysis of all important elements in ore exploration:
- Fe, Cu, Cr, Zn, Pb, Mn, Ni, Co, Mo, Ta, W etc.
- Mg, Al, Si, P, S analysis of prepared samples, without vacuum or He attachments! (Using the X-MET7500)
- Advanced automatic matrix correction
Features of the X-MET 7000 / 7500 range
- Highly accurate ore analysis from Mg to U
- Reliable Al, Si, P, S analysis without vacuum or helium attachments
- Measure directly on drill core samples
- Certified IP54 NEMA 3 splash and dust proof
- Results obtained in seconds
- Highly accurate and repeatable sample analysis
- Optional integrated camera for accurate sample positioning, image storage for future reference, and inclusion in reports (X-Met 7500)
- Optional easy-to-use software for unbeatable accuracy
- Universal Fundamental Parameter analysis mode for measurement of ores without known standards
- Go/No-Go user configurable result format
- User interface in >10 languages
- Rapid data transfer to PC
The top of the range X-MET7500 combines Oxford Instruments’ground-breaking Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) with a powerful 45kV X-ray tube. This cutting edge technology delivers five times faster measurement speed, much better detection limits and significant accuracy improvement over conventional systems.
Contact us to find out more about the performance of the X-Met 7000 series and the wide range of accessories available.